Fermentation Rules
This year I am launching a new chapter as the culinary instructor at St. Helens High School. Not only do I get to teach my passion every day, but I get to grow this program into a dynamic place of inquiry and discovering REAL FOOD.
Every young person should know where their food comes from. But what about how to go grocery shopping? How to execute a balanced, tasty, and affordable home cooked meal?
We’re kicking off the year with a unit on fermentation! In my largest class I have 31 eager cooks. It can be daunting so I take a deep breath and remind myself K-I-S-S. Last week we made sauerkraut and tomorrow we try our hand at making farmer’s cheese with whole milk and vinegar.
Today we did a cheese tasting of Romano, feta and Brie, to varying degrees of receptivity. :) The Romano and feta were popular, the Brie was a bit of a stretch.